The DataBridge is a fast and efficient product to extract core banking data from a Temenos Transact (T24) system, convert it to a relational format and to upload the data to a relational database. The use of daily relational snapshots enables customers to access their data with standard SQL reporting tools or to easily feed their BI-systems with the necessary data.
The DataBridge Direct can be enhanced by a streaming component, to make data accessable in near real-time.
Temenos Transact (T24)
- provide data in relational format
- relational access to multi-value and sub-value fields
- full support of local developed applications & fields
- integrated in COB or manual processing
- daily snapshot of core banking data
- accessable by standard SQL tools
- landing zone for BI systems
- could free day end processing from reporting time
- effective project accelerator
Performance & Scalability
- configure different extraction profiles
- multi-Server processing
- extract & load mass data in minutes
- multi-threaded architecture
- support of all major RDBMS and OS
- fully automated processing
- start by time & event
- integrated workflow engine
- define pre-/post-process tasks
- optional transformation module
- time-tested solution
- world-wide product support
- productive since more than 15 years
- error save exception handling
- decoupled from close of business process
- easy integration
- setup in less than 2 days
- GUI based configuration
- integrated Monitoring
- incident reporting
- process statistics

Optimized access depending on the Temenos Transact (T24) database layer
DataBridge Direct
Configure applications to be extracted in Temenos Transact (T24). Add applications to different extraction profiles. Integrate point of extraction into the COB process or trigger time or event based extractions.
Straight to the data. Direct access for Oracle, DB2 and MS SQL data layers. Performance boost due to scalable system architecture for multiple servers.
Software: basic version of FLink Integration Platform required for workflow definition, deployment and monitoring
Database: see supported databases in Connectivity tab
There are different ways to store your Temenos Transact (T24) data. Our DataBridge supports the following source databases for data extraction:
- Oracle
- DB2
- MS SQL Server
Your Temenos Transact (T24) data extract can be loaded into a relational database for further processing. DataBridge currently supports the following databases as target:
- Oracle
- MS SQL Server
- DB2
- Vertica
- Tibero
- Relational data is accessable by standard SQL reporting solutions
- High performance mass data extraction
- Full support of local reference fields, multivalue fields and subvalue fields
- Access to data of local developed applications
- Saves valueable COB time